Ich vergleiche alle Lebewesen auf der Erde gerne mit mehr oder weniger geschliffenen Diamanten - einzigartig. Auf allen Wegen des Lebens sind die einzigartigen Aspekte jedes Einzelnen jedoch allen gemeinsam. Ich habe für mich erkannt, dass mein Prozess der Veredelung nie abgeschlossen sein wird, was für mich bedeutet, das Leben in vollen Zügen zu leben, weiter zu lernen, immer neue Erfahrungen zu integrieren und mein Bestes zu geben, so hell wie möglich zu strahlen. So bin ich offen für die Wunder des Lebens, integriere Yoga und ayurvedische Prinzipien und Praktiken und erfahre beste Gesundheit, mehr Gelassenheit und Freude im Leben. An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein wenig über meinen Lebensweg erzählen...
This process began in 1981, when I was born in a little town in Germany and raised in a beautiful natural environment, riding horses and always being connected to nature. That innate link was slightly lost through the general conditioning of education and the idea of seeking security – a path that led into Frankfurt’s finance industry. Seeking more fairness, solidarity, sustainabilty, cooperation instead of competition, and peace in a globalized world always has been a concern of mine that resulted in my volunteer work with MATI NGO, a non-governmental organisation focusing on alleviating extreme poverty in Bangladesh. Shifting between these two seemingly extreme worlds, I more consciously discovered my true needs and values. While serving my individual needs – a simple, convenient, happiness-maximizing and good life – I feel a sense of responsibility towards helping the poor and creating real impact.
The career that could appease my seeking for gretater purpose in life, started with the practice of yoga in 2010. During vacations somewhere by the sea -always traveling alone- I perfectly could connect to myself, to places and to exceptional people that deeply inspired me. These experiences let me rediscover my innate desire to be in and around nature and brought me in closer contact to my own inner nature and purpose. To extend this me-time, I kissed the bank job goodbye in 2014 and gave up what I called my cozy home in order to experience another reality. I then spent ½ year in South America where my spiritual journey more consciously began to unfold. During my 1st yoga teacher training in Cusco, Peru I felt more connected as my values aligned with those of the other yogis than compared to the crowd back home. Being again on horseback in Bolivia also helped me to restore my value system. A conviction of “everything is here to serve you” and a feeling of coherence grew strong during these months in South America. I have to express how grateful I am for the opportunity to meet all the naturally openhearted people and experiences. It helped me thrive and marked a distinctive turning point in my life.
I began teaching yoga, and it was just natural for me to start a “sustainable” business that would rather fulfill a “wellbeing for all” approach matching my intrinsic values. Not too creative but with a passion for food and love for cows, I had the idea to produce Dulce de Leche with milk from regional happy cows to support local farmers. Other dimensions of sustainability were deliciousness, general food transparency, bypassing wholesale in the supply chain and especially the social mission attached to it: part of the profits supported the NGO MATI in Bangladesh. Unfortunately, “happy” cows and regional organic farming hardly exist anymore – a bitter truth. I am still willing to make a difference despite my beloved “ArgenTines Dulce de Leche” is not being commercially available anymore. It was a good experience and taught me the challenges of social entrepreneurship.
Durch meine "On- und Off"-Beziehung mit dem Job im kommerziellen Bankwesen, die schließlich 2018 zu Ende ging (und 2023 wieder begann), verstehe ich meinen wahrgenommenen inneren und äußeren Konflikt zwischen einer unternehmerischen und spirituellen Karriere besser: Alles ist da, um uns etwas zu lehren. Ich weiß zu schätzen, dass der Job in der Bank einem höheren Zweck dient, um meine höheren Werte zu erfüllen und zu verwirklichen: Raum und Zeit, um mit meinem authentischen inneren Selbst in Kontakt zu kommen. So bin ich stetig motiviert, meinen Lebensunterhalt damit zu verdienen, eine Idee zu unterstützen, die einem Ansatz basiert, der das Wohlergehen aller berücksichtigt.
Always doing, striving 24/7 and our general “busyness” make health, relationships and wellbeing suffer. We as a species seem to have lost touch with ourselves – lost touch with our ability to listen to our bodies, minds, and hearts. I feel our modern way of life due to “busyness” and unhealthful nutrition disconnects us from life energy sources important to properly nurture the body, mind and spirit. That’s why Ayurlign – aligning with life – by applying ancient wisdom in modern times makes so much sense to me.
Als ich die Prinzipien von Yoga und Ayurveda auf natürliche Weise in mein Leben integrierte und die Vorteile beobachtete, die sich in Form von Gesundheit, Glück, Vitalität und Freude einstellten, begeisterte ich mich dafür, mein Wissen und meine Leidenschaft für diese alten Heiltechniken mit allen zu teilen, die nach größerer Erfüllung und Einklang mit dem Leben suchen. Ich möchte maximales Bewusstsein kultivieren, um wahre Intelligenz zu entwickeln - in mir selbst und dadurch in anderen - für mehr Liebe und Mitgefühl in unserer inneren und äußeren Welt - für das Wohlergehen aller.
Liebe, lass dich treiben, lebe und genieße,
I am offering the 1st 10 ayurlign counselings in exchange for NGO MATI Bangladesh donation*
worth EUR 90 or $100.
*by booking a counseling you are helping funding charity work in Bangladesh in a total amount of € 900.