I am committed to cultivating awareness; to inspiring and empowering others to become more resilient, mindful and conscious beings.


As a Yoga teacher, Ayurveda health consultant and practitioner of the Yoga & Ayurveda healing systems, my approach towards inner and outer wellbeing is entirely holistic. I am passionately motivated to cultivate awareness and share the knowledge and techniques of these ancient healing systems in order to increase vitality for a prosperous and meaningful life. Experiencing so much happiness and abundance on this path, I feel honored to guide others through practices that restore, rejuvenate and nourish their mind, body and spirit on their individual paths for the well-being of all. 

With life experience and years of practicing holistic approaches for body, mind and spirit, I came to the conclusion that the answer to true well-being derives from a strong relationship to ourselves on all levels: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Through the integration of Yoga & Ayurveda principles and practices into my life, I personally witnessed gradually greater levels of inner peace, compassion, joy and an even deeper yearning for life. I furthermore nurtured my sensitivity to my individual requirements for maximal well-being and observed higher degrees of energy, vitality and immunity to realize and accomplish personal values & goals. Thus, my approach to holistic well-being encompasses the use of various techniques and tools that support you to deepen your understanding of your body’s innate intelligence for a vital, vibrant and wise life. 

Qualifications & Accreditations: 

  • Certified RYT 300 Hour Sattva Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, India (2020)
  • Ayurveda Health Consultant (2017-2019)
  • Certified Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Frankfurt, Germany (9/2018)
  • Certified RYT 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Goa, India (11/2016)
  • Certified RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Cusco, Peru (9/2014)
  • Diploma in Business Administration (9/2008)

Mission Statement

Jedes Lebewesen - Mensch, Tier oder Pflanze - auf der Erde ist gleich wertvoll und hat ein Recht darauf, als Teil des jeweiligen Ökosystems zu leben. Ordnung und Gleichgewicht in natürlichen Ökosystemen sind in der Regel wunderbar gegeben. Wir Menschen können uns Pflanzen, Tiere, Wasser und Luft zunutze machen, um uns selbst zu erhalten und damit unser Gleichgewicht zu bewahren, müssen dabei aber auch darauf achten, dass das Gleichgewicht der Natur erhalten bleibt.

Humans at this point in history are the only life form on earth that tries to work against the laws and wisdom of nature (in Ayurveda termed as ‘Prajnaparadha’ and translates into ‘crimes against wisdom’). We have the tendency to exploit nature disproportionately and immoderately resulting in an ongoing environmental degradation that we can’t deny. This results in ecosystems out of balance as a consequence of humanity out of balance. If we would only remember that nature can exist without humanity but that humanity cannot exist without nature, we would at least take measures to secure ourselves if not in the pursuit to save the environment. Therefore, we should try to intervene into the ecosystems only as much as necessary and as little as needed. By aligning with our inner wisdom and by establishing the required balance within ourselves we awaken Biosphere Consciousness– consciousness for the wellbeing of all.

Food choices and the way we lead our lives are both the cause and effect of our diet and lifestyle. Via our daily diet, lifestyle, and the cultivation of awareness we can improve our strength and immunity and moreover, we can create a positive impact. Therefore nutrition – an important principle of the Ayurvedic system for general health of our bodies and the prevention of disease – plays  a crucial role in ayurlign’s approach. This approach encompasses a holistic diet which takes into account the larger planetary implications of what to eat, including the effects on preserving nature and its ecosystems, world hunger, world peace, as well as the ethical, moral, and spiritual issues related to diet.


With expanded awareness it becomes obvious that the ordinary everyday consciousness that we have, disregards more than it perceives. Thus, it is crucial to discover what is ignored in order to harmoniously align with life. By developing the faculties of the mind through Yoga and Ayurveda principles we are given the means to reestablish ourselves in vibrant health, increase altruistic qualities, learn to manage egoistic tendencies and learn how to reduce indifference and dullness. Ultimately, by expanding our own consciousness and serving our own wellbeing we consequently contribute to the wellbeing of all.
I strongly believe that if we bring ourselves back to balance we also naturally develop balance on an environmental and social level. We recognize the value of serving and understand that world peace is a function of inner peace. Since 2006 I support  MATI NGO, a non-governmental organisation specialised in poverty reduction, women empowerment and human rights in Bangladesh. Serving others is serving myself. 

Ich folge weder einem bestimmten Dogma noch vertrete ich ein bestimmtes Konzept, einen Glauben oder eine Diät. Ich liebe es lediglich, auf natürliche Weise zu inspirieren, meine Erfahrungen zu teilen, zu unterhalten und einen Raum zu schaffen, in dem wir uns regenerieren und mit unserer inneren und äußeren Natur in Einklang bringen können. 


I am offering the 1st 10 ayurlign counselings in exchange for NGO MATI Bangladesh donation*

worth EUR 90 or $100. 

*by booking a counseling you are helping funding charity work in Bangladesh in a total amount of € 900.