My name is Tine. Living and sharing the ancient wisdom teachings of Yoga & Ayurveda in modern times feels my life’s genuine purpose. I am always interested in expanding myself and my knowledge by exploring and integrating the essential wisdom into my practice.

As a traveling yogi I have not yet committed to one place. Therefore, I am sharing sessions online, offering personally one-on-one sessions and retreats in the community in the place I currently reside. It is in these spaces that we can truly connect and where transformation can happen.

I am happy to guide you through practices that restore, rejuvenate and nourish mind, body and spirit.
Along with the integration of a holistic lifestyle, I witnessed greater levels of inner peace, compassion, joy and an even deeper yearning for life. Higher degrees of energy, vitality and immunity allow for realizing and truly living aligned with my values & goals:
AYURLIGN – aligned with life!
Let me share the practice with you –  that deepens our understanding of our body’s innate intelligence for a vital, vibrant and wise life.

Mission Statement

Any living being – human, animal or plant – on earth is equally valuable and has a right to live as part of the respective ecosystems. Order and balance in natural ecosystems is usually beautifully given. We as human beings can harness plants, animals, water and air to preserve ourselves and thereby maintain our balance, but by doing so we also need to take care that the balance of nature is preserved.

Humans at this point in history are the only life form on earth that tries to work against the laws and wisdom of nature (in Ayurveda termed as ‘Prajnaparadha’ and translates into ‘crimes against wisdom’). We have the tendency to exploit nature disproportionately and immoderately resulting in an ongoing environmental degradation that we can’t deny. This results in ecosystems out of balance as a consequence of humanity out of balance. If we would only remember that nature can exist without humanity but that humanity cannot exist without nature, we would at least take measures to secure ourselves if not in the pursuit to save the environment. Therefore, we should try to intervene into the ecosystems only as much as necessary and as little as needed. By aligning with our inner wisdom and by establishing the required balance within ourselves we awaken biosphere consciousness – consciousness for the wellbeing of all.



Food choices and the way we lead our lives are both the cause and effect of our diet and lifestyle. Via our daily diet, lifestyle, and the cultivation of awareness we can improve our strength and immunity and moreover, we can create a positive impact. Therefore nutrition – an important principle of the Ayurvedic system for general health of our bodies and the prevention of disease – plays  a crucial role in Ayurlign’s approach. This approach encompasses a holistic diet which takes into account the larger planetary implications of what to eat, including the effects on preserving nature and its ecosystems, world hunger, world peace, as well as the ethical, moral, and spiritual issues related to diet.

With expanded awareness it becomes obvious that the ordinary everyday consciousness that we have, disregards more than it perceives. Thus, it is crucial to discover what is ignored in order to harmoniously align with life. By developing the faculties of the mind through the ancient wisdom traditions of Yoga (science of Self-realization), Ayurveda (science of life/longevity) and Jyotish (science of light) we are given the means to reestablish ourselves in vibrant health, increase altruistic qualities, learn to manage egoistic tendencies and learn how to reduce indifference and dullness. Ultimately, by expanding our own consciousness and serving our own wellbeing we consequently contribute to the wellbeing of all.

I strongly believe that if we bring ourselves back to balance we also naturally develop balance on an environmental and social level. We recognize the value of serving and understand that world peace is a function of inner peace. Since 2006 I support  MATI NGO, a non-governmental organisation specialised in poverty reduction, women empowerment and human rights in Bangladesh. Serving others is serving myself. 

I do not follow a specific dogma nor I am advocating a specific concept, belief or diet. I solely love to inspire naturally, share what is in my experience, entertain and create space to recreate and tune in with our inner & outer nature.


Qualifications & Accreditations

  • Science of Light: Jyotish Practitioner Course 1 (since 2023) with Freedom Cole
  • Phytotherapy Training (European healing plants; since 2023)
  • RYT 300 Hour Sattva Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, India (2020)
  • Marma Therapy Course II, Rishikesh, India (8/2020)
  • Ayurveda Health Consultant (2017-2019)
  • 5o Hour Yin Yoga TT, Frankfurt, Germany (9/2018)
  • Marma Therapy Course I, Rishikesh, India (4/2017)
  • RYT 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Goa, India (11/2016)
  • RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Cusco, Peru (9/2014)
  • Diploma in Business Administration (9/2008)


  • combines the Sanskrit term ‘ayus’ (life, lifespan or longevity) and the English verb ‘align’ meaning ‘aligning with life’

    • inspires to integrate Yoga & Ayurveda practices and principles into your lifestyle for a healthier and happier life
    • transforms and empowers one to choose a more harmonious, balanced, and sustainable lifestyle
    • expands one’s awareness on the physical, mental, and spiritual plane
    • serves the wellbeing of all as natural outcome of expanded awareness

Qualifications & Accreditations

  • Science of Light: Jyotish Practitioner Course 1 (since 2023) with Freedom Cole
  • Phytotherapy Training (European healing plants; since 2023)
  • RYT 300 Hour Sattva Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, India (2020)
  • Marma Therapy Course II, Rishikesh, India (8/2020)
  • Ayurveda Health Consultant (2017-2019)
  • 5o Hour Yin Yoga TT, Frankfurt, Germany (9/2018)
  • Marma Therapy Course I, Rishikesh, India (4/2017)
  • RYT 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Goa, India (11/2016)
  • RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Cusco, Peru (9/2014)
  • Diploma in Business Administration (9/2008)


  • combines the Sanskrit term ‘ayus’ (life, lifespan or longevity) and the English verb ‘align’ meaning ‘aligning with life’

    • inspires to integrate Yoga & Ayurveda practices and principles into your lifestyle for a healthier and happier life
    • transforms and empowers one to choose a more harmonious, balanced, and sustainable lifestyle
    • expands one’s awareness on the physical, mental, and spiritual plane
    • serves the wellbeing of all as natural outcome of expanded awareness

Connect, be inspired & practice with me!

I will support you exploring the wisdom of your body, either with or without prior knowledge – back to the essential with care, simplicity and mindfulness. Let me support & guide you through your evolutionary journey!

Start your Ayurlign Journey today!

10 % of sales is donated to selfdefined rural development projects in Bangladesh