Ayurlign Yoga Practice

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Ayurlign Yoga is a contemporary approach based on ancient wisdom integrating

Asana | Ayurvedic concepts | Kriya | Mantra | Meditation | Playful Movement| Breathwork | Sustainable Alignment

Experience alignment with life

Ayurlign Yoga Personal Session

A personal session can be very effective in helping you realise your unique goals. The session will begin with a 15min check-in before practice in order to evaluate your area of focus and needs. The following personalised practice (60 min) will specifically address your needs, challenges, and your constitution.

Uplift yourself and experience your unique journey that will allow you to deeply connect with your inner being. There is no universal practice since we are all unique.

In my sessions, I blend the essence of all the different Yoga styles I have experienced and taught over the years.

EUR Please inquire for individual pricing. 


Ayurlign Yoga Personal Practice Development

This program will begin with an Ayurlign Consultation to evaluate your overall health from a holistic standpoint. Knowing your current lifestyle and its effects, your personal values, desires & needs is required to develop your personalized practice plan. The practice will be designed to support your highest evolution.

During the 4 following personalized practice sessions we will work with the specific tools and techniques according to the established practice plan. Thus, you will learn to incorporate spiritual practices into your life that will deepen your experience of yoga and take it to the next level. 

Upon completion you will receive your personal sadhana (spirital practice) that will – when practiced consistently – allow for deeper experiences of connecting with your inner wisdom and a more vital, vibrant you!

This program includes:

  • In-Depth Ayurlign Consultation (60 min)
  • Personal Sessions (4 sessions of 60 min each)
  • Personalized Ayurlign Practice Strategy

EUR Please inquire for individual pricing. 

Ayurlign Yoga integrates ancient Vedic wisdom with modern yogic interpretations, creating a daily yoga practice to help you unite body, mind, and spirit. This ever-evolving practice approach brings you into alignment with the greater rhythms of the cosmos. The teachings will enable you to deeply connect to your inner and outer nature expanding your awareness to become more resilient and conscious in all aspects of your life. A regular Ayurlign pratice will just naturally create a healthy, happy, balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

Why practice Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has many health benefits on the physical and mental plane. A regular practice on and beyond the mat leads us into the world of energies that flow within us, within nature and the universe. Today innumerable styles, branches, and trends of yoga describe the path to realization, serenity and the state of awareness that everything connects to everything else. We are connected with all humans, with nature and the universe. Yoga signifies this unity. Incorporating a regular Yoga routine into your life is an investment in your wellbeing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. As life is increasingly busy and demanding it is important to focus on keeping our balance. Yoga vitalizes and rejuvenates the body while also helping to calm the mind.

 By practicing Yoga we can…

  • improve flexibility and strength of our body
  • feel more invigorated, vital, balanced, and energized
  • achieve a stronger sense of coherence and serenity
  • cultivate positive thoughts supporting us in our personal growth 
  • rather act instead of react to constant allurements of our environment
  • no longer crave toxic products or energy draining relationships
  • activate the healing  powers within ourselves
  • improve our sleep and reduce tension
  • slow down the aging process


combines the Sanskrit term ‘ayus’ (life, lifespan or longevity) and the English verb ‘align’ meaning ‘aligning with life’

  • inspires to integrate Yoga & Ayurveda practices and principles into your lifestyle for a healthier and happier life
  • transforms and empowers one to choose a more harmonious, balanced, and sustainable lifestyle
  • expands one’s awareness on the physical, mental, and spiritual plane
  • serves the wellbeing of all as natural outcome of expanded awareness

Connect, be inspired & practice with me!

10 % of sales is donated to selfdefined rural development projects in Bangladesh